Lessons from Neurodivergent Students at OU
As we embarked on creating a neurodiversity in the classroom program, we knew we needed to hear from the neurodivergent students in our classrooms, or those whose brains process the world differently than what is deemed “neurotypical” and may have ADHD, autism, or other conditions. Four students with different, majors, talents, and trajectories shared their stories and advice on how to support neurodivergent students. Listen to their stories to appreciate the fullness of their experiences.
Key Points from Students
Neurodivergent students themselves are diverse in what helps and hinders their learning, yet some common themes emerged.
Instructor approachability helps student persistence
Neurodivergent students can encounter life disruptions that swiftly and strongly affect their academic performance. One week they can be your star student; the next, subdued or completely absent. A discordant housing environment can derail a student’s sleep, as Hannah experienced, who has sound-processing sensitivity called misophonia. Multiple class timelines can go from manageable to stressful, as Marion experienced as a student with ADHD. Students consistently pointed to the importance of feeling they can talk to the instructor when issues arise, whether that is to explain what is happening or make a plan for getting back on track. Based on our communication and actions, students are considering whether they will be believed and affirmed when they talk with the professor.
Engagement and relevance make all the difference
As teachers we know learners come alive when their work is self-motivated and relevant to their lives. For students with ADHD like Tom and Marion, it is difficult on the verge of impossible to pay attention when “paying attention” only looks like sitting still and listening. On the other hand, when they are actively involved, whether in discussion with classmates, physically in motion, or given agency to drive their own learning, they excel. While intrinsic motivation goes along way, these students say even feeling connected to peers and having variety in class activities can help them persist through less motivating academic work.
University supports and communities are crucial
For the pivotal role an instructor plays in a student’s success, students who engage with academic support services are set up that much more for success. Cameron pointed to DSS accommodations as key to his success in the classroom. As a member of the Honors College, Marion found that working with her Time Management Advisor set her up with the systems necessary to be involved in Student Congress and other university activities on top of classes.
Students know their strengths, but can feel defined by their struggles
All of these students considered themselves academically strong students, especially when they had the means to navigate barriers (meds, accommodations, understanding from instructors and classmates). Yet many students felt defined by the shortcomings of their neurodivergence, even if they were mostly in the past. While Marion felt that college was a more positive academic experience than high school, she warned that many neurodivergent students come to OU feeling defined by past negative experiences. She encouraged instructors to assure students that their past does not define them, and they can always have a new start in our classes.
Knowing your students is ongoing: practice humility and adaptability
Tom, an OU alum who is now a graduate student in Educational Sciences, warns that there is no one checklist of inclusive practices that will work for everyone; furthermore, “being inclusive to one neurodivergent person can be the opposite [for another]” what has been called “access friction.” This complexity requires us to make students partners in our efforts to make the classroom inclusive, acknowledging where we fall short of our goals but continue to adapt to the students in our classes on any given day.
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About the Neurodiversity in the Classroom Program
This program offers learning activities that deepen our knowledge of the many ways the human mind works, understanding of neurodivergent learner experiences, and how to design inclusive learning environments accordingly. Online modules include events, podcasts, discussion boards, videos, panels, and more, which can be done at your own pace. Learn more about the program, and join the online course.
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